Not only are projects becoming increasingly complex, but organizations are facing an even greater challenge of delivering more project value while ensuring demanding customers are satisfied with the solution. Project Management is a knowledge intensive discipline which requires skilled professionals to manage and deliver projects on-time, on-budget and with exceptional quality on a consistent basis. To address these growing challenges, organizations have focused on creating Project Management Offices (PMOs) supported by process automation technology.

What most organizations often forget is the key component of every project – people. And people, empowered with knowledge, leads to project success. People with access to knowledge management capabilities benefit the organization by:

  • Leveraging existing knowledge capital accelerating successful project completions
  • Avoiding project pitfalls learned from past similar implementations
  • Locating necessary resources more quickly
  • Sharing organizational learnings for future benefit of the organization and clients

RTM Consulting presents, Benefits of a Knowledge Management Powered Project Management Office. During this webcast you will learn how a comprehensive KM practice helps Project Managers streamline and improve usable knowledge capital, enable knowledge sharing and leverage knowledge capital to provide a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

On-demand webcast entitles you to obtain 1 RMCP® PCU credit  for watching.

Posted by / January 22, 2017