Quickly Capture Parts Cost Savings by Managing Variability.

One of the processes that is 100% in control of Field Services Management is parts variability. Variability management is something most service organizations understand, but very few effectively manage well and are therefore leaving big cost savings on the table. Effectively managing parts usage variability at discrete levels (individual, team, geography, on-site versus off-site, customer segment, product platform, etc.) can routinely lead to capturing 5 – 10% in parts cost savings. This webcast shows how some companies are making more effective variability management a cornerstone of their business model transformation as a part of optimizing their current cost structure to meet current financial commitments, as well as to provide the investment dollars needed to transition to an outcome based service model.

During the webcast, Pitney Bowes, brings a case study perspective of how they were able to significantly lower their parts cost through effective variability management.

Also, joining RTM Consulting during this webcast is Vele Galovski, VP Research, Field Services at TSIA, with perspective on how TSIA builds variability assessments into their Field Service Benchmarks to help significantly improve your Field Services results. After watching this webinar, you will leave with very specific actions and practical tips that you and your team can take to optimize your cost structure.

Posted by / January 22, 2017