Growing or at least protecting PS margins is something most technology companies care about. As PS executives, we tend to tackle how we manage margins by focusing on those things most under our control – a reasonable and natural response. Pricing strategy and execution inside a technology company is usually a multi-disciplined function, but usually with enormous influence by the Sales function. Inevitably, pricing becomes a lever every PS executive wants to pull.
RTM Consulting’s deep experience with observing the Pricing approaches of dozens of technology companies continues to remind us that a Pricing strategy, without a supporting and properly governed execution strategy, frequently manifests itself as margin performance pressure on the PS team. That is why we developed the RTMC Pricing Execution Framework, a logical and disciplined multi-functional approach to getting control over Pricing from strategy to execution.
Join RTM Consulting CEO, Randy Mysliviec for this webcast where he will provide actionable information to begin working magic on your margins.