Shift to the Left is about moving high-cost services delivery channels to lower cost delivery channels… and do it in a way that improves the overall experience for your customers. It combines an innovative Strategic Framework and Transformation Process, as well as the effective use of remote solutions to shift services delivery from on-site to on-call and on-line. Remote solutions provide the ability to use people, process and technology to enable flexibility and provide services regardless of your customer’s location.

Watch this webinar and learn how to:

  • Achieve discontinuous improvements in financial performance, customer experience and employee productivity by using remote solutions to optimize service delivery channels
  • Use Strategic Frameworks and Transformation Processes to effectively execute rapid and needed change in your service delivery operations
  • Make remote solutions a company-wide, and not a service only, initiative
  • Quantify the benefits from remote solutions to justify investments required to optimize your delivery channels
  • Avoid the common failure modes in implementing remote solutions
Posted by / January 22, 2017