CFOIn today’s global war for talent, companies are on a mission to acquire specific skill sets to drive profitable business growth tomorrow. In this regard, they are focused primarily on securing the necessary talent from external sources. Yet many organizations already include highly-qualified people who can receive training to develop the skills their organizations need. The challenge is discerning the current employee base to detect skill voids and determining ways to address these gaps through targeted education and training.

This all seems simple enough, yet many CFOs historically have been reluctant to invest financial capital in human capital. The investment is perceived as high-cost with an indeterminate return, making it difficult to verify whether employee education and training will yield long-term benefits.

This view predominated during the capital-starved recession for understandable reasons, but with companies now unleashing their cash hoards it seems prudent to direct a portion towards the organization’s most valuable asset — its people. Choosing the appropriate training and education programs and measuring the respective success of these ventures is the subject of this on-demand webcast.

The webcast explores:

  • Best practices in employee training and education — what world-class organizations are doing to align their human capital with strategic goals
  • Proven methods in evaluating current skill sets to discern voids in intellectual capital
  • The use of mentoring programs to pass on expertise to younger workers
  • The utility of “learning maps” and other virtual tools to develop human capital resources
  • Ways to measure the effectiveness of current and future training and education programs

Click here to view the webcast, on-demand, at your convenience.

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